Friday, October 2, 2009

Shut the door, Now!

Friday here at last!
I was so looking forward to it.
Tonight is rather exciting, a good friend's artists reception first, and then out on the town!
BirthdayBoy will be home with Felix.
On that note, birthday plans are solidifying, I am thinking a bbq at the bowl, and some type of cake. I just ordered him a present from, I think he will like it.
Payday I always get excited about all the things I could buy, I want to order the book Quiverfull by Kathryn Joyce, and a few other old favorites I have given away or lost.
I think Felix has another tooth coming in, yesterday he cried (which is rare), and as I was trying to calm him, nurse him, a hear a knock at the door. I didn't answer it, I didn't want to see anyone, but instead of leaving like any normal person would, in comes my mother-in-law. As soon as I saw her I was so pissed. I felt vioated. All I could get out of my mouth was "Carol, shut the door and leave, now". She looked surprised, and hurt. Yuck, I don't want to have to deal with that shit!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Okay Birthday Boy

October is upon us, it is time for you to pick out your cake.
Will it be the same lemon lavender cake from last year?
Perhaps carrot like the year before?
What will it be?

Birthday cake I see,
Weighting down the table then,
Icing in my mouth.

Okay, okay. You still have like 2 days before I am just going to decide for you.
Last years birthday seemed to fly by. I was 6 months pregnant, working a ton, and you picked like the most complicated cake ever. And wanted to bowl=) With the whole family!
It worked out great, the cake was tasty, bowling was fun, and I still went to bed at a decent hour. I love October.

My calendar picture is really pretty for October, little white orchids in big orange pots.

Little white orchids,
Sitting in their orange pots,
Bringing me sunshine.